Easter Sunday Roll Call

on 4/23/11 10:14 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Not a bad way for the Jewish Girl to start her day - huh?  My guess is this will NOT be seen by a lot of you who are churching, or familying, or Eastering.  But, that has never stopped me before! :)

Today is my last day of Spring Break - it was a GREAT one - Larry was around all week, and we didn't kill each other - in fact, we had a lot of giggles and smiles too!  Go figure!   Today will be spent tying up all the loose ends I need to do to get ready to go back to school for the home stretch of the year.  I do need to get my food back on track.  Passover and its restrictions turned me back to some bad habits, read matzah with butter and cheese - A LOT!  Need to get to the market and get myself accountable again.

I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday and to all who celebrate - Happy Easter to you all!
IdaMae D.
on 4/23/11 11:19 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning Steffi...

Not bad at all for a Jewish Girl to start her day!

Not having small children Easter is not the same.  Nothing to do Easter morning but get ready for church.

We are up and getting ready for church.  Easter luncheon after church, I made the roasted veggies for our feast.  Could not bake anything because all my baking stuff is out in the shed packed away, this construction stuff is getting old.....

After church not sure if we'll head to Coatesville to Gene's family celebration, he was up grading papers till 3am - grades were due so I'm guessing he'll need a nap after church.  His family celebration begins at 1:30 we won't get there till 3 or 4ish so I told his sister not to hold any food for us.

Back to reality tomorrow, was nice having 3 days off....

Enjoy the day...



Lisa H.
on 4/23/11 11:37 pm - Whitehall, PA
Morning my sister Jew... I woke up around 6:15 for some unknown reason.. had a cup of coffee and then went back to bed.  Just woke up again to find Siehara coming in my room with a pile of folded clothes and telling me that she would be right back after taking garbage out.. weird.  Yes, I told her to do it, but YES, I'm also sure that she wants something.  I'm sure I'll find out soon.  

Today, I really should do some cleaning around the apartment.  It's not looking too pretty.  I am going to try to get Siehara to get outside with me and take a walk while the temps are so nice. 

Later we are headed to the Caine's for Passover dinner.  Tomorrow and Tuesday are the last 2 days and considered holy days again, so they are doing dinner tonight and tomorrow.  I chose tonight since Siehara doesn't have school in the morning.

Pretty relaxing day around here again.. oh and don't put this on FB b/c not everyone there knows, but I haven't had a cigarette since Thursday night.  I am trying very hard not to eat everything in sight or kill my child.  BUT, last night I definitely noticed a lot of emotions coming out that must have been stuck inside or released through puffs of smoke.  A friend suggested cinnamon gum instead of regular mint b/c it also releases heat.  So, I'll go get some cinnamon gum to help offset the cravings.  Wish me luck.  Cigarettes are soooo bad for me and besides they cost too damn much.

My tracker


on 4/23/11 11:54 pm
Good Morning Steffi and PA!!

Happy Easter to all that celebrate!

Was awoken at 4am, yes 4AM, by my husband snoring away!! Came downstairs, went on the computer for awhile, had some coffee then watched "Addicted to Food" that I had PVR'd. Wow, that show is therapeutic for me jus****ching it!! Then at 7am I started falling asleep on the recliner. The child woke me up around 8am, I got up,showered and dressed. Then went out to get gas in Jersey, now I am posting on here.

Today, I am supposed to get together with my friend from Arizona. We are going to breakfast. I hope she gets here soon cause I AM HUNGRY!!! The rest of the day is up in the air....Not much to do on Easter Sunday when just about EVERYTHING is closed! I think I might try out the Wii Zumba that I just got!

Have a great day and enjoy this springlike weather!!
Love to all, Beth

on 4/24/11 12:19 am - Lancaster, PA
I had to work this am, came home made jason breakfast.

we dont really do easter, no family no church, but i did get him some easter chocolate.

got a lot of chores to do today so kind of boring. will be going to OA tonight at 7
on 4/24/11 12:58 am - Doylestown, PA
Morning, my friends.

I'm trying to commit to being on here at least once a day again to get my support focused back onto me a bit.  Bear with me.

Rough night last night.  I didn't get to sleep until 2, dealing with so much anger inside me.  Woke up angry again this morning.  I feel justified in the anger, but that doesn't make it any more positive as an emotion. 

Sis in law and her kids and ex-husband are coming over for dinner tonight.  Given history and where Eddie is right now, that should be just peachy.  Can't wait.  Am cooking good food that I can eat and have healthy leftovers for the week to decrease my stress.  Becky helped me clean the house yesterday, so it's at least halfway presentable.

Happy Easter to those who celebrate it, Blessed Passover to those so inclined, and the peace of the equinox to everyone. 

on 4/24/11 3:42 am - Boothwyn, PA
Happy Easter one and all - we're at the beach today and the weather is BEAUTIFUL!! couldn't ask for a nicer day. Dinner will be ready soon then maybe a walk and then heading home.

Been a nice holiday weekend but I think it's time to head home - need to throw some laundry in and get ready to head back to work tomorrow.

Tomorrow starts a new day for me with eating and exercise. Notice I didn't say the word 'diet' - I'm going back to my GOOD eating plan and getting back to my PT exercises and moving my body - I can really tell what I haven't been doing and I need to reverse that.

Want a good laugh for the day? Last night I fell out of bed!! Omg I haven't fallen out of bed in years - scared the living crap out of me, hubby and the dog! Lol!!


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Patricia R.
on 4/24/11 10:10 am - Perry, MI
Good Evening Steffi,
Sorry I am late to the Roll Call today.  I just got home about an hour ago, and had a great day.  I walked Utley down by the river this morning, and enjoyed seeing the ducks on the water.  Then, I headed to church, where we had an awesome dramatic presentation of the Easter story straight from scripture, and a dance presentation, and a salvation message.  Church was packed.  The music was awesome. 

After church, I headed to my nephew's apartment for Easter dinner with my sister, sister-in-law and nephew.  We played Sequence, and watched the Phillies game, with channel changes to the Flyers game between innings.  Both won.

Now, I am home, having just walked Utley, and brushed his coat, to get a layer of fur off of him.  He is one of those poor dogs with a thick undercoat that he sheds this time of year.  My vaccuum cleaner gets a workout every Spring and Summer, and I don't see my couch until Fall, because I cover it with a sheet, and only uncover it for company.

Hope the rest of your school year is good.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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